AMMAN | 29 Jordanians and one Palestinian took part in a leadership development workshop on December 1 at the Dead Sea in Jordan.
“Participants began to discover the extent to which they have been working from an inward mindset and understand the implications of this mindset on their lives and those around them,” said Seeds of Peace’s Orlando Arellano, who helped organize the Outward Mindset Skills for Emerging Leaders Workshop.
“Understanding of the negative effects of an inward mindset awakens in participants a desire to adopt an outward mindset approach in their lives.”
Participants included 14 Jordanian Seeds, and 15 non-Seeds including 11 students from Kings Academy. The program was led by Dr. Hanan Al-Madanat, a professor at at the American University of Madaba and an Arbinger Institute certified facilitator.
“I never realized how much I was constantly only looking in or driven by ego, rather than looking at others or the bigger picture,” said Omar, a Jordanian student. “Both are important parts of us, and I hope I can achieve more balance.”
Participants engaged in discussions and individual and group exercises, including one-on-one sharing and applied the tools they learned about to real-life situations.