Seeds of Peace has over two decades of experience organizing and implementing dialogue and leadership development programs for youth and educators in communities in conflict.
Over 1,100 educators have taken part in Seeds of Peace Educator Programs, including more than 600 in our Camp program. A survey of nearly 100 educator alumni revealed that:
- 98% Seeds of Peace programs inspired them as people and educators
- 96% gained a greater ability to understand different perspectives, including people from the “other side” of their conflicts
- 96% Seeds of Peace program felt different from other professional development opportunities they have experienced
- 95% applied skills and tools that they learned in their educational work and/or personal lives.
Seeds School Network
In response to an increase in tensions in schools, largely manifesting as patterns of attack or avoidance, Seeds of Peace is creating the Seeds School Network: a global network of schools who are committed to our shared values of addressing roots of conflict through the practice of dialogue.
Building on a pilot program that has reached 2,000 students and educators in the last two years, Seeds Schools Network will embed dialogical values and practices by building a network of 500 educators and administrators in over 100 high schools—reaching an anticipated 10,000+ students.
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Educators can play a powerful role in transforming conflict, particularly by preparing young people for peace and supporting their involvement in peace-building efforts.