Dear Seeds of Peace Family in Egypt,
I am sitting on the shores of Pleasant Lake watching 212 new Seeds begin the journey that all of you once started here. But amid the challenges of dialogue and the cheers from the dining hall, we are also very focused on each of you, and on Egypt.
I am thinking of you all and proud of the leadership each of you have shown as a voice for your country’s future.
Though what comes next remains to be seen, I am sending much love and strength to you on behalf of your Seeds family around the world. We are thinking of you, and following closely as events unfold.
Please be in touch with us and please let me know if Seeds of Peace can support you in any way. I would love to promote your voices and your viewpoints, as we have done in the past. You can send me your thoughts—in writing, video or in pictures—for us to share with your fellow Seeds and supporters.
You offer a unique lens into what’s happening and I would welcome an opportunity to share that with others!
Much love from Maine,
Leslie Adelson Lewin
Executive Director