If you choose to pay by check, please make payable to Seeds of Peace, and note that it is for the Spring Benefit on the memo line. Checks can be mailed to:
Seeds of Peace
PO Box 70372
Newark, NJ 07101-0096
Please contact events@seedsofpeace.org or call 212-573-8040 for information about overnight mail and wire transfers. Thank you for your support!
Jacqueline Novogratz
Jacqueline’s work began in 1986 when she quit her job on Wall Street to co-found Rwanda’s first microfinance institution, Duterimbere. The experience inspired her to write the bestseller, The Blue Sweater: Bridging the Gap between Rich and Poor, and create Acumen. Indeed, when she founded Acumen in 2001, few had heard of the words impact investing. Twenty years later, under Jacqueline’s leadership, Acumen has invested $135 million to build 136 social enterprises across Africa, Latin America, South Asia, and the United States.
Bobbie Gottschalk
Invited by John Wallach to help co-found Seeds of Peace and become its first Executive Director, Bobbie helped initiate and form the organization’s mission and operation. For many years she was responsible for program development, including the Camp program and follow up programs, and ongoing contact with Seeds of Peace participants. As a Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow, Bobbie has taught students at multiple colleges about Seeds of Peace philosophy, methodology and impact.
Ali Velshi
Ali is an MSNBC anchor and business correspondent for NBC News and MSNBC. He has covered a wide range of breaking news events and global affairs throughout his career, including U.S. presidential elections, ISIL and the Syrian refugee crisis, the Iran nuclear deal from Tehran, the tensions between Russia and NATO from Eastern Europe and the High Arctic, the debt crisis in Greece, the funeral of Nelson Mandela, and the global financial crisis. Read more ››